Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Edgar Allan Poop: The Thinking Man’s Toilet Comic

Greetings Buffalo New York. Greetings.

Perchance a query
on this evening dark and dreary.

Imagine if one were to have diarrhea AND constipation at the same time? I believe such a scenario would unfold…a little bit…like this:

(Pretends to pull knickerbockers down. Grunts and strains for several moments. Suddenly, a diarrhea sound effect.)

‘Ye Gads! What a morbid surprise! Had I known this liquid Hell were my destiny I surely would have put less effort forth into arriving here!’

Quoth the anus, "Flbthbthblpbpbfffffpt!!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take that one back to the woodshed.